Reiki Facials
Customized and luxurious deep cleansing reiki skin care treatments. Reiki promotes the body's regenerative self-healing ability. In these treatments work is done on the face and body to increase the flow of energy to support the client's well-being and skin health. Facials include manual exfoliation, a skin peel, thorough extractions, high frequency, advanced facial massage, a speciality treatment face mask, Gua Sha techniques, Celluma® LED light therapy, lip and eye treatment, and more. Relaxing massage and reiki throughout. Click ``Book Now`` to see a complete list of treatment offerings.
Reiki: Energy Work
Hands-on energy healing to activate the natural healing processes of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being. Intuitive insight and messages are shared at the end to further integrate and support the session.
Intuitive Guidance
Zoë tunes into her intuitive channels, including clairvoyance, mediumship, and the Akashic Records to offer clarity, insight, guidance, and support around health, life/soul purpose, career, relationships, passed loved ones, etc. Can be over Zoom or in-person.
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